


RaY Inc. at 125 Sherbrook St.

RaY can help youth under the age of 29 with housing. Call their Housing Team at 204-783-5617 ext 202 to set up an intake, or visit our drop-in centre Monday-Friday, 1:00-3:00pm to fill out a pre-intake form.

Ndinawe at 472 Selkirk Ave.Safe house and drop-in centre for youth who have left home and lots of free programs (computers, tutoring, art, video, sports, Indigenous cultural Teachings). Drop-in is open Monday-Thursday from 3:00-11:00PM and is 24 hours Friday-Monday. To connect with the Safe House intake call 204-416-7233 and check out https://ndinawe.ca/

MacDonald Youth Services – Emergency Shelter at 161 Mayfair Ave
Emergency overnight shelter open 24/7 for ages 12-20. Walk in services are available. Call 204-477-1804 or visit https://www.mys.ca/