Behind the Lines
July 19th, 2018 - September 14, 2018
In celebration of our 20th anniversary Graffiti Gallery is pleased to bring internationally renowned UK artist Mr Cenz to Winnipeg for his first Canadian art installation and exhibition.
Mr Cenz has been scribbling on surfaces since 1988, when he first discovered hip-hop culture and graffiti art. He soon became obsessed with this new and exciting art form, and after a few brushes with the law, he decided to find ways of developing his skills legally. This led to a career as a professional artist with several solo shows and high profile commissions internationally. Mr Cenz’ distinctive work can currently be seen all over the streets of the world, especially in his hometown of London. His work features layers of intricate and flowing letterforms, shapes, and line work abstracted in a unique way, and fuses different styles, such as photorealism and illustration. His influences range from the old school graffiti artists that inspired him as a kid, such as Dondi and Mode 2, to abstract expressionist painters, like Paul Klee and Roger Hilton.
His new work focuses on female faces, which he distorts in his trademark style. He works from portrait and fashion photographs to create unique interpretations of strong and spiritual women, which are abstracted in a spontaneous and freestyle way to create interesting and mysterious compositions. Theses pieces are a melting pot of all the different influences and technical skills he has acquired over the years.
Mr. Cenz’s mural, Ndinawe Youth Resource Centre, 472 Selkirk Avenue, 2018. This mural is in honour of the community of families and survivors of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and to thank Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc. for the work that they do in relation to the cause.
Mr Cenz discusses the new and fresh graffiti scene in London in the early 1980’s. How graffiti evolved from an illegal art form to a recognized and celebrated art form.